Mastering the Role of Light Tanks in World of Tanks: Tactics and Equipment Guide

How to play Light tanks in WoT

    • World of Tanks
    • Game guides
  • 28 July 2021
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Light tanks in World of Tanks

Light tanks - are the first class of vehicles in World of Tanks from which everyone begins their acquaintance with the game. In the process of researching branches, many LT move into the class of medium tanks, so at Tier 10 you can find only 6 top vehicles (Sheridan, Rhm.Pzw, T-100 LT, Manticore, Amx 13 105, EBR 105, WZ-132-1):

In patch 1.4, wheeled vehicles were introduced into the game starting from Tier VI. In the game, she is represented by five researchable armored vehicles.
Each nation's Light tank has its own unique performance characteristics that lay the foundation for its gameplay. Today we will look at the principles of playing on LT in order to understand how to most effectively fulfill our role. These tanks also play a significant role in accomplishing Personal Missions 1 and Personal Missions 2, rewarding players with exclusive gear and tanks. For those who enjoy strategic gameplay, participating in Global Map scenarios is a great way to enhance their tactical experience.

Specifications for Light tanks

Light tanks have the weakest firepower compared to all other tanks. Small one-time damage and too little armor penetration are the main features of the gun. But at the same time, LT provide us with the opportunity to test different types of guns:
  • Magazine system for loading shells;
Here, the familiar Pz. Kpfw. II. Which has a 0.21 sec reload between shots, which turns the cannon into a kind of machine gun. The nuance of such guns is that due to poor accuracy and small caliber, it is impossible to hit the enemy from a distance of over 400 meters, therefore they are suitable only for close combat. The mount of such a weapon remains up to Tier V. LT2.jpg
The magazine loading system distinguishes the French LT branch starting from Tier VI AMX 12 t. The reload time inside the drum is already longer than the initial levels of Germany, but the guns are more accurate and with a much larger alpha strike.

Role of Light tanks

Light tanks are the team's eyes and ears. Features of tactical and technical characteristics make LT the best scouts. A decent view makes it possible to detect the enemy at a great distance. Good dynamics allows you to take key positions at the beginning of the battle or maneuver, avoiding enemy shots. Excellent camouflage will allow, illuminating the enemy to remain invisible for a longer time, while allies will inflict damage on enemy vehicles in your spotlight.
Despite the weak firepower, LT can make a decisive contribution to the outcome of the battle due to the effective illumination of the enemy.


Light in World of Tanks - enemy detection. This is one of the most important aspects of the game, which, unfortunately, many players do not pay enough attention to. It's easy to learn how to tank on heavily armored vehicles or hit the enemy, but not everyone can provide the team with competent lighting and support it throughout the battle.
Scouting in the game is divided into passive and active.

Scouting: Active

Active scouting fully justifies its name, as it implies constant movement around the map. It is necessary to be extremely careful and to be well oriented in the terrain, so as not to drive yourself into a hopeless situation by mistake. Constantly being on the front line, you need to realize that you are the number one target for the entire enemy team.

Brief summary

At first glance, light tanks give the impression of the weakest vehicles: low firepower and weak armor. But it depends on the LT how the battle will proceed. With a competent initial scouting, you can destroy unwary opponents, and accordingly the enemy will lose "one barrel", which can subsequently save the life of one of the allies. If the LT survives until the middle and end of the battle, then thanks to visibility and stealth, it will be able to effectively finish off "shot" opponents, break into an enemy base, or return to defend its own. In addition to learning how to play Light tanks effectively, some players may choose to use boost services to level up their tanks and gain an advantage in battles. offers a range of services, including the ability to order the leveling of any Light tank in World of Tanks. With a team of experienced players who use safe and efficient methods to level up tanks, can help players quickly improve their gameplay and achieve better results in battles. So if you want to take your Light tank gameplay to the next level, consider checking out the boost services available at

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