Boost Your WN8 Rating with These Top 5 Tanks in World of Tanks
TOP 5 Best Tanks to Raise your WN8 rating in WoT | Guides  TOP 5 Best Tanks to Raise your WN8 rating in WoT | Guides 

TOP 5 Best Tanks to Raise your WN8 rating in WoT

    • World of Tanks
    • Game guides
  • 23 August 2021
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Even an average player can improve their stats by choosing the right vehicles. If you want to elevate your indicators to "green" or "turquoise," then this guide is for you.


Welcome, tankers! Boost-hub is here with an overview of the best tanks to raise WN8 in World of Tanks. Skill level is crucial, and at some point, every player aspires to join a top-tier clan. Your WN8 rating will often be the first thing they evaluate. To increase your stats efficiently, maximum skills are not always necessary; choosing the right vehicles can make all the difference. We’ve selected the TOP 5 tanks for quickly improving your rating. Play a few dozen battles, and you’ll notice an immediate boost in your stats.

This guide focuses on Tier 9, where battles are most comfortable (middle of the list or top-tier matchmaking). While some tanks may struggle in stock configurations and require premium ammunition in their top form, they excel at boosting your WN8.


T-54 - Best Tank for Boosting WN8 in World of Tanks

The Soviet medium tank T-54 is a dynamic and versatile vehicle. Playing this tank not only helps raise your WN8 but also delivers immense enjoyment. Renowned for its high DPM and strong armor, the T-54 is a favorite among skilled players. By angling and continuously moving, you can deflect enemy shells and retaliate with its rapid-firing gun. Its premium ammunition boasts 330 mm penetration, making it effective even against higher-tier tanks, accelerating your WN8 growth.


Spotting enemy tanks early in the match can also significantly contribute to your performance. Before moving to a position, review the team lineup and plan your actions accordingly.

The T-54 offers two top-tier guns: one with a higher rate of fire and the other with better accuracy and penetration.


Its DPM allows effective flanking and damage-dealing, but survival is key. Avoid static engagements to minimize exposure to enemy artillery.

Recommended stats for boosting WN8 on the T-54:

  • Win rate: 50.98%
  • Vehicles destroyed per game: 0.89
  • Average damage: 1,406
  • Vehicles spotted: 1.57


The Leopard Prototyp A is a Tier 9 medium tank with excellent gun performance, boasting 278 mm penetration on its standard shells. Its 420 alpha damage allows for favorable trades even against Tier 10 tanks. Avoiding premium ammunition makes it cost-efficient while improving your crew skills and stats. Explore how this tank and others like it can help with our stats boosting services.


The Leopard’s dynamics allow it to quickly reposition and support allies. However, its weak armor requires cautious gameplay, favoring long-range support roles.

Recommended stats for boosting WN8 on the Leopard Prototyp A:

  • Win rate: 50.4%
  • Vehicles destroyed per game: 0.96
  • Average damage: 1,632
  • Vehicles spotted: 1.13


Achieving a high WN8 rating requires not only skill but also the right vehicle selection. Medium tanks offer the flexibility to switch between active flanking and defensive sniping, minimizing artillery focus. To further accelerate your progress, consider exploring boosting services designed to enhance your gameplay experience.

Remember, patience and proper gameplay are critical. Focus on dealing consistent damage and staying alive longer, even in losing matches. These habits separate exceptional players from the average, leading to steady WN8 improvement.


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