World of Tanks Winrate Boost
What is statistic in World of Tanks?
Stats in World of Tanks (efficiency, statistic, WN8, WN7) - is a player’s performance indicator, it takes into account your overall merit in battles on all your vehicles.
For what need boost stats in WoT?
As a rule, at the beginning of his game path, a player rarely thinks about his game statistics and often makes mistakes that affect the attitude to the player in the future and the game’s overall comfort. That's why we need statistics:
- Stats and WN8 show the player’s possible skill of play.
In top clans, recruits require good game statistics, since they form clan statistics.
Good stats in World of tanks are needed for user status
The opportunity to play with professional players in close lobbies.
For the desired result, it is recommended to order at least 50 battles, since the more battles are fought, the more accurate the result will be, since sometimes win streaks or lose streaks happen.
- Premium account
Tank in the top configuration
- Driver can be able to retrain the crew at his own discretion (if necessary).
- Driver can be able to install the necessary upgrades
Additional options
- Fast leveling: with this option you will pay a little more expensive - 25%, but your order will be executed 40% faster!
- Tier 1-6: Battles at lower levels are more random, therefore the price at lower levels is higher.