Red Dead Redemption 2 Twitch Prime: Get a reward for a free Role Outfit and More | Twitch prime
Red Dead Redemption 2Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 Twitch Prime: Get a reward for a free Role Outfit and More Back

How to activate Twitch Prime for RDR2?

  1. Follow the link - 
  2. Follow the instructions on the site (if you require confirmation of the mail, I will confirm)
  3. After receiving the loot, unlink the purchased Twitch account

The current set of benefits for RDO includes:

  • RDO$1,000 one time sign-up bonus
  • Reward for 5 Free Legendary Animal Pheromones
  • Reward for 6,000 Naturalist XP
  • Reward for free Wilderness Camp
  • Katata Elk Animal Coat
  • Reward for a free Single Bandolier
  • Offer for 50% off a Double Bandolier
  • Offer for 50% off the Deluxe Campfire
  • Offer for 30% off the Improved Bow

Red Dead Redemption 2 Twitch Prime: Get a reward for a free Role Outfit and More
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